Certified Teams Kim Aguilar and “River”, certified trailing Kathy Albrecht and “Klu”, certified HRD Reynolds Anderson and “Burt”, certified trailing Kimberly B, certified ground searcher Jess Baker and “Lance”, certified trailing, HRD, and avalanche Michael Banks, certified ground searcher Gideon Bernstein and “Bruce”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Robyn Berwick and “Valhalla”, certified trailing, and HRD Kris Black and “Aria”, certified trailing Ty Bloomquist and “Jax”, certified trailing James Boisse and “Storm”, certified trailing Deb Callabresi and “Huckleberry Punch”, certified human remains detection Debra Callabresi and “Ring”, certified trailing Anan Chiang and “Whiskey”, certified trailing Alexandra Cochran and “Anza”, certified air scent, and large source cadaver Maya Conrad and “Rowdy”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Shay Cook and “Wren”, certified trailing Shay Cook and “Zinka”, certified trailing and HRD Jane Crue and “Finn”, certified trailing and HRD Anne Marie Cullen and “Ember”, certified Air Scent Anne Marie Cullen and “Nala”, certified HRD Anne Marie Cullen and “Reilly”, certified HRD Ember DeLannoy and “Canyon”. certified HRD Kathrine Delmenico and “Red”, certified air scent, HRD and large source cadaver Jerry Del Rio and “Zoom”, certified trailing Kristen DesCombes, certified ground searcher Marijke Ellert and “Scarlet”, certified air scent Maria Finerty and “Suzy Q”, certified HRD Janisse Foresti and “Leo”, certified trailing Noelle Francis and “Spinner”, certified trailing Noelle Francis and “Symba”, certified HRD Jim Frank, certified ground searcher Jan Friedrichsen and “Daisy”, certified trailing and HRD Jan Friedrichsen and “Gray Sea”, certified trailing Kathi Glenwinkel and “Grim”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Kathi Glenwinkel and “Layla”, certified HRD Anne Goldsmith and “Roxie”, certified HRD Susan Graham and “Toby”, certified HRD and water HRD Lynn Gravesen, certified ground searcher Annette Grieco and “Jeter”, certified trailing and HRD Annette Grieco and “Talia”, certified HRD Angela Chew Hale and “Riggs”, certified HRD Carla Halford and “Jax”, certified air scent and large source cadaver David Haraburda and “Wilson”, certified air scent, large source cadaver, and avalanche Naomi Harada and “Cat”, air scent, trailing, large source cadaver and HRD Kayla Hardin and “Darwin”, certified HRD Kayla Hardin and “Gaia”, certified human remains detection Michelle Henderson and “Quinn”, certified trailing Marci Henscheid and “Havok”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Milena Hickey and “Kira”, certified trailing James Hicks and “Tella”, certified air scent, HRD and large source cadaver Craig Hinch and “River”, certified trailing Nichole Hinch and “Sawyer”, certified HRD Michelle Hirt and “Elsa”, certified trailing and HRD Michelle Hirt and “Louise”, certified HRD Kim Honeywell and “Fiona”, certified trailing Kim Honeywell and “Larson”, certified trailing Kimberly Hughes and “Tuli”, certified HRD Tanya Hurd and “Derby”, certified air scent, large source cadaver and HRD Jackson Hurst and “Cal”, certified wilderness air scent Samantha Krasner and “Eiros”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Debora Jean Lackenbauer and “Jorah”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Kelley Lear and “Chili”, certified HRD and water HRD Kelley Lear and “Saphira”, certified HRD Peter Leibrock and “Yana”, certified trailing Bill Macaulay, certified ground searcher Lynn Macaulay and Ophir, certified air scent, large source cadaver, and avalanche Cat McBride and “Gremly”, certified trailing Laurie Menmuir and “Nefti”, certified trailing and HRD Ann Marie Moore and “Tag”, certified air scent Kristi Moutard and “Finlae”, certified trailing Trish Moutard and “Finlae”, certified HRD Laura Olmstead and “Nyx”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Miyuki Onnagawa and “Asuka”, certified trailing Dawn Painter and “Singe”, certified trailing Curt Palm and “Rick”, air scent, large source cadaver and HRD Cheryl Patelzick and “Hope”, certified trailing Lori Powers and “Joy”, certified air scent, and large source cadaver Kristin Pugh and “Typhoon”, certified HRD Bill Reed and “Scout”, certified trailing Monica Reeves and “Jaxson”, certified trailing, land and water HRD Jaana Remes and “Luna”, certified air scent, large source cadaver and HRD Frances Roelfsma and “Tucker”, certified trailing and HRD Casey Rogers and “Elle”, certified HRD Janice Rosene, certified ground searcher Sonya Roth and “Ranger”, certified trailing Karin Sable and “Dexter”, certified HRD Donna Sanford and “Halo”, certified land and water HRD Cyndee Schwartz and “Watson”, certified trailing Ron Seitz and “Ria”, certified trailing Carol Shapiro and “Majikal Mystery”, certified land and water HRD Eric Sheets and “Scarlett”, certified air scent and HRD Diana Shepherd and “Pepper”, certified trailing Yvette Skinner and “Java”, certified air scent, large source cadaver and HRD Juanita Smith and “Pneumo”, certified HRD Kathryn Stewart and “Storm”, certified HRD Chelsea Swain and “Sherman”, certified air scent Tim Thio and “Ellis”, certified air scent and large source cadaver Peg Thompson and “Cedar”, certified HRD Mateo Toribio and “Mac”, certified trailing Ken Volz and “Griffin”, certified air scent, large source cadaver, and avalanche Stephen von Ehrenkrook and “Cochise”, certified trailing Lori Wells and “Ledoux”, certified Trailing Lori Wells and “Petit Jean”, certified trailing Laurie Wells and “Piglet”, certified HRD Martin Wendels and “Corbeau”, certified human remains detection John Woods and “Carat”, certified air scent, large source cadaver and HRD Jennifer Yeh and “Oaky”, certified trailing