We are sincerely grateful to AKC Reunite foundation for their grant to CARDA for $2,500 in support of our large source training series. This will allow the training program to extend to all the dog teams in the southern part of the state. We could not do this without the […]
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UC Davis guidelines to consider for spay/neuter age, by breed
Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have updated their guidelines on when to neuter 40 popular dog varieties by breed and sex. Their recent paper in Frontiers in Veterinary Science adds five breeds to a line of research that began in 2013 with a study that suggested that early neutering of golden retrievers […]
Read MoreLost and Found: On the Front Lines with a Search and Rescue Trailing Dog
By Cat McBride (with permission from Bay Woof) You’re woken up at 2 a.m. by an emergency alert blaring from your phone. You roll over and check the message: immediate callout for two trailing K9 teams to respond to a search for a missing 6-year-old in Los Gatos. You respond […]
Read MoreNational Search and Rescue Week: May 16 – 22
Honored to be a part of the California Office of Emergency Services canine resource team. National Search and Rescue Week takes place on May 16 – 22, 2024 and Cal OES recognizes all search and rescue (SAR) responders and unique task force teams who dedicate their lives to help locate […]
Read MoreGood Day at Tahoe Expedition Academy: Talking how search dogs work
Thank you to the second grade class at Tahoe Expedition Academy for hosting Ken Volz and Griffin. The class heard about: how search dogs work, how people get lost, and what to do if you are lost. We got some wonderful questions at the end. Thank you, CARDA
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