Certification News: “Chili” and Kelley Lear

Congratulations to Kelley and “Chili” for passing their annual certification in human remains detection (HRD). We appreciate the hard work and dedication to maintaining certification. Kelley and “Chili” are also members of the Sacramento County and Nevada County Sheriff Search and Rescue teams. CARDA

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Certification News: “Singe” and Dawn Painter

Congratulations to “Singe” and Dawn for passing their trailing certification test. A new team for CARDA and Santa Cruz County Sheriff Search and Rescue. We appreciate all the hard work and dedication that goes into becoming a fully certified team. CARDA

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Certification News: “Kona” and Stacy Agan

Congratulations to “Kona” and Stacy for passing their human remains detection (HRD) recertification test. We appreciate the long hours of training that go into maintaining certification. Stacy and “Kona” are also members of the San Diego County Sheriff Search and Rescue team. CARDA

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