Congratulations to Mateo Toribio and “Mac: for passing their Trailing Type 1 certification test. We all understand what a huge commitment it is to become certified. Mateo and Mac are also members of the San Luis Obispo Sheriff Search and Rescue team. We commend you on your efforts and dedication to saving lives and reducing suffering. Well done Mateo and Mac and safe searching. CARDA
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Certification News: “Nyx” and Laura Olmstead
Congratulations to Laura Olmstead and Nyx for passing their large source cadaver certification test. We all understand what a huge commitment it is to become certified. Laura and “Nyx” are also members of the Nevada County Sheriff Search and Rescue team. We commend you on your efforts and dedication to reduce the suffering […]
Read MoreCertification News: “Storm” and Gary Cohen
Congratulations to Gary Cohen and “Storm” for passing their Trailing Type 1 mission ready test. We all understand what a huge commitment it is to become mission ready. We commend you on your efforts and dedication to saving lives and reducing suffering. Well done Gary and Storm CARDA
Read MoreCertification News: “Sherman” and Chelsea Swain
Congratulations to “Sherman” and Chelsea Swain for passing their initial certification for air scent/wilderness. A new certified team for the State of California, and Nevada County Sheriff SAR.
Read MoreCertification News: “Eiros” and Samantha Krasner
Congratulations to “Eiros” and Sam for passing their air scent recertification. We appreciate the hard work and dedication you put in. “Eiros” and Sam are also members of the Marin County Sheriff Search and Rescue team. CARDA
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